David Wynn | LCMHC, WFR

I am a wilderness guide and nature-based counselor. I began working with llamas after looking for a pack animal that could extend our family’s backcountry trips, maintain a low environmental impact, and be fun to train and work with. I quickly realized that the llama’s calm and steady demeanor not only bestowed surefootedness on the trail, but was well suited for therapeutic work as well.

We started Llamas of Hot Springs to create opportunities for nature connection through llama trekking and experiential education. We believe embodying our connection to the more-than-human community is a prerequisite for a healthy human life and a better world!

In addition to being a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor, I am also a certified Wilderness First Responder (WFR) and trained in CPR/AED. I am a member of the Wilderness Guides Council, the Association of Experiential Education (Therapeutic Adventure Professionals Group), the CAMELIDynamics Guild, the Hot Springs Mountain Club, Hot Springs Tourism Association, and the Asheville Mushroom Club.


Lydia Wynn

Lydia is an artist and guide. She can be found creating charcoal sketches of the llamas, needle felting with their fiber, and sharing her llama mama energy with the herd. You can find her stickers and prints locally at Artisun here in town!

Sylvan Wynn

Sylvan helps feed llamas, lead hikes, and share facts (ask him about Jewelweed)!


original logo concept by selena mecho circa 2019